BNI Kolkata launches its 11th Chapter - BNI MONARCH

On 7th July, 2017, BNI Kolkata launched its 11th Chapter to the Kolkata CBD(A) region. BNI MONARCH commenced operations with 61 members, 100+ visitors, 526 referrals and with over 3 crore of business. This was one of the grandest launch ever, owing to the hardwork of its launch DCs Prakash Agarwal and Deepak Sharma and the enduring support of the EDs who have forever stood by to face the challenges and making the process simple. A meticulous planning and rigid disciplinary system by the Director Consultants helped in this mega launch activity for ‘BNI Monarch’.

A series of meetings, discussions, training, etc followed this grand launch at Hotel Hindustan International on 7th August,  2017 where members effectively contributed and did their part in helping the launch of the 11th Kolkata Chapter. Mr.Pankaj Maloo will be the Director Consultant and Mr. Koonal Jain will be the support ambassador to BNI Monarch.

 BNI is the World’s largest Business Networking Organization. It offers a very robust platform for the entrepreneurs where the members can freely exchange their ideas about doing business, contact information and business referrals.  98% of businesses depend on the leads and referrals they get from their existing clients.  The sole purpose of this purely business platform is to help its members increase their business dynamics manifold through a very structured and professional referral marketing programme which further helps them to develop quality and long term relationships with other business professionals on the platform. The basic philosophies which guides the very working of BNI is “What goes around comes Around”. If you help someone to do business, others will help you to gain business too. 

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